Real Estate Agent Partners

Real Estate Professionals-How can we work together?

We are seeking partners interested in aiding their clients with problem listings. You will continue to serve your client, retain the listing and your client, earn your respective, and resolve the challenging listing.

Musser Bros. Inc. identifies the following as problem listings:

  • Properties considered the largest and most valuable in their neighborhood
  • Unique properties that may be challenging to market
  • Large parcels of land where potential buyers prefer smaller tracts 
  • Properties that have been on the market for an extended period and are at risk of losing the listing
  • Situations where time is critical
  • Properties involved in estate settlements
  • Vacant properties that have been unoccupied for an extended duration
  • Sellers looking to quickly liquidate assets for cash 
  • Developments experiencing a slowdown in sales velocity
Problem Listings

Set yourself apart in your market and partner with an established and proven industry leader. Musser Bros. Inc. specializes in managing "problem" real estate listings brought to us by our real estate partners. These listings typically involve overpriced properties, those with inherent issues, the largest in the area, extensive land tracts, or a need for an expedited sale. We want to build long term relationships with aggressive agents to get these problem listings sold.

Not All Real Estate Professionals Get It

The auction industry shares similarities with the real estate sector, where a smaller segment of participants earns the majority of commissions. Unlike many auction companies, we offer commission splits that stand out in the industry. Similarly, most real estate agents traditionally steer clear of partnering with auction companies. However, we are revolutionizing this by introducing a partner program featuring highly attractive splits, impressive close ratios, and the ability to transform dissatisfied sellers into clients who not only return but also provide valuable referrals.

We look forward to explaining the program and discussing your needs in more detail, for more information on how we can become partners please fill out this form -> Contact Us